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App Friday: Echoer for iOS

Echoer icon

Have you ever wanted to know what the people around you are thinking, or in a more general sense, what they thought of a particular place or thing? Echoer is a social networking app that connects peoples comments, giving you the opinions of the masses, letting the cream rise to the top.

The app resembles the tips element of Foursquare, but with far more power. ‘Echoes’ can be thoughts, events or discoveries, colour coded by blue, red and yellow respectively.

Using a map view of your local area, you can see where Echoes have been made and ‘amp’ them as a form of voting towards the popularity of the opinion expressed within the app. The more popular the echo, the larger it appears on the map.

For example you can send an Echo about a traffic delay, or if you have good service in a restaurant or highlighting a sale in a shop.

Screenshots of Echoer for iOS

It’s a wonderfully elegant concept that allows users to discover things about places locally or even in places they’ve never been and you can share your own discoveries, not only within the confines of the app, but via Twitter and Facebook too.

In a strange way Echoer is like a fine wine, it’ll only get better with age, as more users join, leaving more echoes, amping popular thoughts up and generally enriching the overall experience, there’s potential for this app to become a powerful tool for those with a desire to explore.


The app debuted in Canada this February and following its successes has now come to the UK. At the moment the majority of Echoes are in London, but as more people download the app (which is is free), it’s use should spread. Presently it’s only available on iOS, but we’ve been assured that an Android version is in the works too. Check it out now.


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