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App Friday: iPhone gets the world’s first Badger Augmented Reality app

When scanning the list of new releases on iPhone’s App Store, there’s nothing more guaranteed to bring a smile to our lips and joy to our heart than the phrase ‘Badger Augmented Reality’.

Not least because it really does mean badgers, rather than some technical term that happens to share the same word as our favourite stripy beasts.

Badger Face is the app, and its description speaks for itself: “point your phone at your friends, and watch them transform into a fine looking Badger in front of your eyes”.

Developer WildPalm claims that the 59p app uses facial recognition software to identify a mate’s face in a photo, and swap in a badger for comic effect. Photos can then be saved to your camera roll, or uploaded to your Facebook photo album.

There’s no shortage of photo-manipulation apps out there looking to be the next FatBooth. What we love about Badger Face is its real-time aspect – being able to do it while actually pointing your iPhone at someone. Supremely silly, but one of the most loveable iPhone apps this week.

Now, can someone make this work for FaceTime calls?


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