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Facebook for Android updated, upload photos to groups and friend’s walls

The latest version of Facebook for Android has just arrived, bringing with it the ability to upload pictures snapped on your phone to friend’s walls and to your groups directly from your Android phone’s gallery.

When you go to a friend’s wall or a group page, you’ll now see a little camera icon in the top left. A tap of this allows you to either snap a picture there and then for uploading, or select a pic from your gallery.

At the moment it looks like you can only upload one photo at a time rather than mutliple ones. So if you want to dump a weekend’s worth at once, you’ll have to do it the old fashioned way.

Still, we like that you can take pictures from directly within the app and fling them straight on to someone’s wall. There’s potential for drunken Staurday night picture embarassment here.

Other changes that come with the latest version (v1.5.2 for those who’re counting) include improvements to how the app works in landscape mode (including photos uploading with the correct orientation) and general bug fixes.

Facebook for Android is free to download from the Market if you’ve not already got it on your phone.


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