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Readable offline: Guardian offers video-friendly app upgrade

The Guardian have released an updated version of their iPhone app, now including photo galleries and video content.

In just over one year since its release, the news app has had over 200,000 downloads. The latest version is initially free, showing you the top news stories, but requires a subscription payment for greater access.

Alongside the new video stuff, there’s also a new football scores service, promising free goal alerts for the UK leagues and competitions in Europe, but there’s been no chance to try that out yet.

The liveblogs have also had a retweak, and updating looks to be more responsive. You can also swing the app around to portrait or landscape view, something surprisingly missing from the first app.

We did get stuck, though, on a news article about Sarah Palin, which is bad enough, and were unable to find the rest of the article, nor refresh the page to fetch it. But it’s the first day, and there’s bound to be things that need tweaking. We loved the option to download the sections you want to read, and digest them offline.

The subscription service will cost £2.99 for 6 months and £3.99 for 12 months, but those that paid the one-off £2.39 for their previous app will still have six more months access before having to upgrade to this new one.


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